Why You Should Get Renters Insurance

  New tenants ask us often, “why do we have to get renter’s insurance?”  Whether you’re new to renting or are a seasoned veteran, renter’s insurance should be a no-brainer.  However, many landlords are requiring it as a condition of the lease.  We have put together these scenarios that give you relatable examples that actually

Tenant Assistance Resources (COVID-19)

We have assembled a list of possible resources for various forms of assistance in the San Antonio area.  We cannot guarantee the accuracy or availability of these resources. City of San Antonio Resources Texas Rent Relief Texas Workforce Commission COVID-19 Resources for Job Seekers San Antonio Community Resource Directory Salvation Army City of San Antonio

What Makes a Good Tenant

  You can have the greatest property in the world, with awe-inspiring construction and an incredible vista view in the middle of the hippest neighborhood in town; as a place to rent, it’s worth nothing if your tenants aren’t great. Good tenants are hard to find; there’s a lot of different qualities that make someone