The Scoop

  • Send us your property management referrals.  If they sign, we’ll pay you $500. Period.
  • When the client wants to sell, we’ll send them back to you.  They’re your client, after all.
  • No confusing price menus or crazy lock-in terms for management.
  • No strings attached.
  • Register your referral below.


Reasons to Refer for Property Management

The listing that won’t sell

We’ve all had those listings that won’t sell for whatever reasons.  Your client would likely benefit from some cash flow to cover their mortgage payments rather than letting it sit for sale.  Renting out the house until the market tides change may be a better option.

Your client can’t sell

We see situations when a house is purchased and the owner gets a job transfer a year later.  Knowing they don’t have near enough equity in the house this soon, they’d have to lose money on the sale.  Why not rent it out for a few years (while a tenant essentially makes the mortgage payments) and sell it later?

You have an investor client

Due to the popularity of the San Antonio real estate market to investors, you may be working with someone looking to purchase for the purpose of renting out the property.  But, you specialize in sales, not property management.  Make sure your client’s asset is properly managed by referring it to Pyramis.

The best management service for your client

When you refer a client somewhere, you want to make sure that the client is well taken care of.  After all, it reflects well on you when it goes well.  Make sure your client gets the best possible representation for their property management needs.

Accurate Market Research

The worst position we get put in is having to tell a prospective client their house will rent for less than their agent did.  This happens a lot, unfortunately.  Rates in a rental market are determined differently than for sales.  We do this every day and we provide honest, accurate information.

Reach out to Adam Acord for market comps and help determine the correct rent rates for your client.  We do this as a service to help agents who want to offer the best service to their clients, and we do it without obligation.

We Don’t Compete with Listing Agents

We’re a property management brokerage, it’s what we do.  This is our specialty and we take it seriously.    Many large listing brokerages just have a property management “division” for the eventual sale listing.  They’re not usually invested in the proper care of the client’s asset.

Longevity & Experience

Pyramis has been managing single-family rental properties in the San Antonio area since 1985.  We helped to write the book on residential property management.  Our founder and president, Craig Acord, is the longest-tenured Certified Property Manager (CPM®) working in single-family residential property management in San Antonio.  If you don’t know what a CPM® is, you should look it up.  We have what it takes to make sure your client, and their property, are well taken care of.

We are Specialists

Good companies also provide specialized services. Bad companies do everything. In any profession, a specialist has more knowledge, more experience and is better able to handle the specialty they have perfected.  Would you let your family doctor perform brain surgery?  You want specialists in rental management handling one of the most expensive investments you own.  At Pyramis, we specialize in the following:

  • Rental Home Management & Marketing
  • Tenant Screening
  • Maintenance — Emergency & Preventative
  • Comparative Rental Market Analysis
  • Real Estate Tax/Insurance/Finance/Real Estate Law via professionals we partner with


Fine Print

  • This brokerage referral is for full-service property management agreements and is only available to licensed agents. In accordance with applicable rules will be paid to your qualifying broker for distribution.
  • Each $500 referral fee is paid per person referred, not per property.
  • Additional properties referred for the same client can make you an additional $250 each.
  • That’s it.


Register Your Referral Here

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