We often get asked, “why should we choose Pyramis?” When making the decision to place the trust of your asset into the hands of someone, you need to know you’re making the right decision. You have multiple companies to choose from when selecting a property management company, but the choice is clear. Pyramis Company is the only real option out there, we’ll explain why…
Longevity & Expertise
Pyramis has been in the management business since 1985. We helped to write the book on San Antonio property management. We know the market, the laws, and the best way to get things done. 40 years is a lot of experience. Go with the new guys or the ones who have been around? Do it yourself or go with an experienced professional?
Our founder & president, Craig Acord, has been a professional REALTOR® in San Antonio since the early 1980s and a broker shortly thereafter. That’s what experience looks like. He received his CPM® designation in 1993 making him the area’s most tenured CPM® in residential property management.
Certified Property Manager®
The CPM®, the most prestigious designation available to someone in the industry. It means we understand not just how to collect rent and call the plumber. It means that we understand what it means to have an investment property and how it should be handled. In Texas, you just need to have a broker in order to handle funds for another party. So, any real estate agent, with the permission of their broker, can say they’re a “property manager.” Let’s put this a different way, would you have your family doctor perform brain surgery? Why then would you entrust a $100,000 plus investment to a general practitioning real estate agent? Make sure your property manager has the knowledge and training needed before you trust them with your asset.
Higher Standards
For the most part, the big real estate brands offer property management simply to hang onto you as a client when they are unable to sell your home. To keep that relationship open for when there’s a buyer, they want to keep the property. They’re far less selective on what they manage, they just want the eventual sale. Think about it, would your agent prefer the one-time $4,500 commission for selling your home, or the $125/month management fee for managing the same house? That’s not rocket science, they’re not invested in your investment; it’s just not financially feasible.
On the other hand, we are selective on the properties we take. We have the ability to turn down business in order to maintain our standards. Why do we do this? We do it so that we have the ability to take the best care of your quality rental that we can. Less desirable properties are typically in less desirable neighborhoods or in areas that suffer from higher crime rates. Properties in such areas usually have higher tenant turnover rates and consume more of our time. Better inventory helps us provide better customer service.
Many of the calls we receive from prospective clients are dissatisfied with their current management. At Pyramis, we’re sensitive to these situations and what causes this level of unhappiness. This is not a decision to take lightly, but making a bad decision can be costly. While we don’t ever want any of our clients to be so unhappy with us that they want to go elsewhere, we won’t hold you hostage with termination fees or penalties. We’ll even make a promise to back that up.
Boutique Management
As stated above, we’re selective as to what properties we manage. We’re a small company, we don’t manage 1,000+ properties. When managing that many properties, you have to become a factory operation in order to be profitable. A team of people handle applications, another team handles maintenance, another for tenant relations, and yet another for client relations. If you have a question about your monthly statement, do you email a person or a generic email address and pray it gets to the right person? They outsource all the move-in, move-out, and annual inspections. In many cases, the people you’re dealing with have only ever seen photos of your rental home, if even that much. In large part, customer service can’t survive in these environments. You become just another address in their system.
We are committed to providing the highest quality property management San Antonio property owners can receive. At Pyramis, we built our business on relationships with our clients and tenants. We get to know our clients, their properties, and their tenants. Your property will be assigned to a property manager and that person will be the single point of contact for you, the property owner, the tenant living in the property, and any vendor performing maintenance on the property. We provide you with one-on-one service, period. Many of our clients have been with us since the 1980s and plenty of others were once tenants. Our 32-year history speaks for itself. At Pyramis, customer service isn’t dead, it thrives. Don’t become just another address.